Meditation, Self Care & All That

I am writing this post while sitting snuggled up in bed getting over a week long cold. It's times like this that you re-evaluate how you treat your body and notice that you're slacking. I have been living off Lemsip and paracetamol!

I always try to treat my body with care by going to the gym, meditating occasionally and recently I started doing some yoga. After having some busy weeks and working a lot I started to slack though and the snacking began. I stopped going to the gym as often (pushing it at once a week) and during the day I'd end up eating lots of things, I felt that I didn't have time to eat proper food. Thankfully my gym comes with a swimming pool so I still go to that on the days when I really can't be bothered to do anything. It's still exercise right? I should probably do some more lengths though rather than just floating about and chilling in the sauna.

I started meditating in my first year at university after going to a workshop on campus. The whole experience was unreal. Believe it or not there was no humming or any of that hippy stuff, just breathing. You just focus on your breath for 10 minutes, listening to a guide and some soothing music. Once the whole thing was over it felt like I was asleep for about 4 hours and it was amazing. Since then I've been meditating more when I get stressed or have something on my mind rather than doing it everyday. Although I will say it would be a lot more beneficial if I did do it every day. I recommend using the Calm app or using a Youtube video as a guide to start off.

I think the problem with us millennials is that we're always busy. I'm definitely guilty of that and if I don't do something I feel bad. I should be writing a blog post, writing my university report or doing a hundred other things that I give myself the responsibility to do. My mum always tell me off for this because I always take too much on and then get stressed, but what can you do. We're all competing with each other to be the most successful person out there. I can't have an hour break because other people are working hence I'll be behind. I'm definitely working on this and making sure I give some time off to myself every day. It's not a healthy way to think, we shouldn't be comparing ourselves to other people whether that's looks or how successful we are. For me that has been doing a couple hours of work during the day so then in the evening I can go and do a food shop, or go our for a drink with some friends.

I went to the cinema yesterday and didn't think about anything else but the film. I watched 'A Star Is Born' and it was incredible, you all need to go and see it. I wept like a baby. Other than that, treat yourself to the occasional donut or have some ice cream. If that's what you need, go for it girl. Just make sure that you're happy and doing things that make you feel confident and your best self. Whether that's going to the gym, going on a hike or staying in and watching a film in bed. You do you.


Seasonal Mood | SAD


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